Against an amendment to the Poison Act
from the Sessional Papers of the British Columbia Government, 1889
extracted by Hugh Armstrong
Victoria, B.C., March 13th, 1889.
Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the House of Assembly of British Columbia:
Whereas a member of your Honourable House has introduced a Bill
entitled "An Ac t to amend the Poison Act;" and whereas the provisions
of the same are contrary to all usage, and will materially interfere with
the trade of the Province, inasmuch as it will prevent the sale of numerous
common articles, including patent medicines, the majority of which contain
some poisonous substance.
Therefore we would pray that the Bill does not become law.
And your petitioners will ever pray.
Thos. Shotbolt, Ch. Drug. Com
J.A. Tepoorten Jno. Teague Jr.
D.E. Campbell Thos. Shotbolt
E.C. Kellogg Geo. Morison
A.J. Langley Geo. Chadwick
John J. Moore Geo. F. Langley
J.N. Henderson Wm. Jackson Jr.
J. Cochrane T.M. Henderson
F.A. Jackaon J.F. Jaeck
E.H. Hiscocks
M.G. Blanchard, Sec. Com.