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People Who Died In testate, 1861-1883

As reported in the Sessional Papers of the Government of British Columbia, 1885, page 475
extracted by Hugh Armstrong

The full report also includes the gross amount (of the estate); debts paid; costs of administration and
to whom (the costs were) paid; amount paid to Treasury; amount paid to relatives and remarks.


1882 Adams               Henry                 Nanaimo                    Wm. Morton & R. Scott
1883 Ah                     Moo                   n/g 	           Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Alexon          Andrew          Cassiar                    Henry S. Mason
1879 Allard          Matilda         Langley                    C.E. Pooley
1881 Allatt          Smith           Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1861 Allen           William         Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1865 Amide           Charles         Victoria                   Auguste Reyer
1871 Amoritti        Giacoma         Omineca                    C.E. Pooley
1881 Anderson        Jno.            Richfield                  Jno. L.B. McLean
1861 Andrews         Frederick       Victoria                   T.G. Williams & E.G. Nias
1869 Aries           Pierre          Guyamas                    Richard Woods
1875 Armstrong       Thomas          New Westminster            James Cunningham
1874 Arthur          John, Capt      Ship 'Halcon'              Henry S. Mason
1870 Ashe            Wm. Henry       Cowichan                   J.J. Austin
1880 Askew           Thos. Geo.      Chemainus                  Isabella Askew
1879 Astrico         Andrew          Victoria                   Penelope Astrico
1875 Atkens          S.H.            Ireland                    E.A. Atkens
1879 Austin          George          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1866 Baikie          John            Victoria                   Richard Woods
1879 Bailey          Nicholas        Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1883 Balch           Jacob William   Burrard Inlet              E.A. Jenns
1881 Ballantine      David           Victoria                   Jno. J. Ballantine
1862 Bamfield        Wm. E.          Victoria                   W.J. Mumford
1883 Barber          Ensley          Langley                    E.A. Jenns
1877 Barry           William P.      Quesnellemouh              Michael Barry
1879 Bates           A.S.            Cariboo District           C.E. Pooley
1881 Bawley          Joseph          Cariboo                    James Adams
1875 Baxter          William         Hope                       Elizabeth Murphy
1874 Beffis          B.              Cariboo                    n/g
1875 Bell            Frank           Victoria                   Henry S. Mason
1876 Bell            Frank           Victoria                   Henry S. Mason
1883 Betts           Elijah John     North Arm, Fraser River    E.A. Jenns
1879 Betts           Thomas          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1879 Bevis           W.H.            Esquimalt                  Amelia Bevis
1882 Billings        J.L.            Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Billings        Jane            Victoria                   John A. Billings
1868 Black           William         Victoria                   Richard Woods
1883 Blakeney        Elizabeth       England                    Thomas Allsop
1878 Blass           Leon            Nicola                     Henry S. Mason
1879 Boulanger       Jean            Quesnellemouh              A. Boulanger
1874 Bowden          Henry           Quesnellemouh              Alexander McWha
1874 Bowers          John            Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1861 Boyd            Thomas          Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1872 Bradley         Edward          Victoria                   n/g
1883 Bradley         Mannie          Cassiar                    A.W. Vowell
1875 Braunstrom      C.              Chimney Creek              Thaddeus Harper
1863 Brein           Charles         Victoria                   Moses Sporburg
1883 Brethour        Margaretha      Saanich                    Henry Brethour & Robt. Hall Smith
1870 Brew            Chartres        Cariboo                    R. Woods & C.E. Pooley
1881 Bridge          Wm.             n/g 	                Jas. C. Prevost
1879 Brousseau       L.              Quesnellemouth             J.G. Green
1877 Brown           Alexander       Thompson River             Jno. T. Edwards
1881 Brown           Geo. H.         New Westminster            R. Andrews
1881 Brown           John            Washington T.              Sinclair McDonald
1881 Brown           Peter           Cariboo                    Joseph Mason
1882 Brown           William         Nanaimo                    Margaret Brown
1880 Brunno          John            Madison, W.T.              Joseph Brunno
1882 Bucherat        Margaret        Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1873 Buie            Thos. R.        Lytton                     Agnes L. Buie
1882 Burden          Samuel          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1863 Burgess         Milton          Victoria                   George W. Milton
1883 Burnes          Daniel          Cariboo                    n/g
1883 Burnett         George          n/g                        Elizabeth Burnett
1883 Burns           John            English Bay, of New West.  E.A. Jenns
1874 Burrll          Robert          Gabriola Island            John Stafford
1883 Bush            Thomas          Victoria                   A.P. Bush
1877 Butcher         Frederick       Dog Creek                  Henry S. Mason
1875 Butler          Edward          Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1883 Caddell         Phillip         n/g	                Jas. C. Prevost
1876 Cahill          Joseph          Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1876 Cain            Dennis          Cassiar                    David Flannery
1877 Calvert         P.S.            Parsons Bridge             Elizabeth Calvert
1872 Cameron         David           Esquimalt                  Sir James Douglas
1879 Cameron         Peter           Cassiar                    Jas. C. Prevost
1870 Cameron         Thomas          Victoria                   Mary Cameron
1869 Campbell        Archibald       Victoria                   Richard Woods
1862 Campbell        Thos. F.        Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1876 Carleton        Charles         Victoria                   William Spring
1871 Casse           Francois        Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1861 Cavert          Michael L.      Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1880 Champonaix      J.              Cowichan                   Jas. C. Prevost
1878 Chapay          Felix           St. Mary's Mission         R.P. Rithet
1876 Chapman         Wm              Victoria                   G.B. Wright
1881 Charley         James           Somenos                    Elizabeth Hooper
1875 Child           Henry           Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1883 Chin            Ling Sing       Burrard Inlet              Jas. C. Prevost
1872 Chisholm        Colin           Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1866 Church          George          Victoria                   M.W. Gibbs
1880 Claverie        Pierre          France                     A.O. Despeaux
1876 Cline           Henry           Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1877 Clisholm        John            n/g		        n/g
1876 Cloake          Isaac           Saanich                    Henry S. Mason
1876 Cochrane        John            Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1867 Cochrane        John J.         Victoria                   Ellen Cochrane
1882 Cohn            A.A.            Oregon                     Herman Bornstein
1878 Collier         Alexander       Victoria                   Jane Collier
1880 Compton         Catherine       Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1879 Compton         Pym N.          Victoria                   Catherine Compton
1876 Conal           Frederick       Nicola                     C.E. Pooley
1876 Condon          Jeremiah        Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1877 Conn            William         Nanaimo                    Henry S. Mason
1870 Cooke           John M.         Mayne Island               Jacob Hock
1869 Cooney          William         Victoria                   Richard Woods
1882 Corbett         Michael         n/g 		        n/g
1878 Couch           John            Matsqui                    C.E. Pooley
1875 Coulter         Thomas          Comox                      C.E. Pooley
1881 Courts          A. Young        Nanaimo                    M. Bray
1881 Courts          Young           Nanaimo                    M. Bray
1882 Cox             Wm. Henry       Lake District              Jas. C. Prevost
1881 Coxon           George          Lytton & Nicola            Alice Coxon
1863 Crawf�rd        James           Victoria                   George Crawford
1882 Creuse          George          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1862 Crittle         Jno.            Victoria                   Harriet Crittle
1876 Crucknell       Luke            Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1871 Curnow          Simeon          Skeena                     Richard Woods
1866 Currie          John            Victoria                   Philip Hankin
1880 Dalton          Matthew         Cassiar                    n/g
1873 Dalziel         Robert          New Westminster            C.E. Pooley
1879 Damey           Appollos        Cassiar                    William Taylor
1874 Daoust          Felix           Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1881 Davie           Jno. B.         Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Davis           Ivery           Burrard Inlet              Benj. H. Wilson
1876 Davis           Jesse           Dog Creek                  Wm. Laing Meason
1862 Davis           Thomas          Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1882 Dawson          John            n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1867 Dazet           Remi            Lytton                     C.E. Pooley
1879 Deans           George          Victoria                   Annie Deans
1868 Defosche        Louis           Victoria                   Richard Woods
1880 Degress         Harry           Cassiar                    n/g
1873 Deller          Charles         Nicola                     C.E. Pooley
1880 Denning         Hugh            Kamloops                   Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Dennis          Thomas          Victoria                   R.H. Austin
1882 DeNouvion       Theo            Quesnellemouth             Jas. C. Prevost
1873 Deschamps       Edward          Thompson River             C.E. Pooley
1879 DeVeau          Claude          Cassiar                    Jas. C. Prevost
1873 Dieter          James C.        New Westminster            Margaretha Dieter
1869 Dissette        Wesley          Victoria                   Richard Woods
1876 Dolan           John            n/g 	                n/g
1876 Donnelly        Char. Patk.     Harrison River             J. Donnelly
1871 Donnelly        James           Harrison                   C.P. Donnelly
1868 Doran           M.W.            Victoria                   Richard Woods
1867 Dougherty       James B.        Cowichan                   John Morley
1883 Doulan          John            Unknown                    E.A. Jenns
1872 Downes          William H.      Quesnelle                  Stephen Downes
1873 Dunbar          George          Yale                       Helena Dunbar
1883 Duncan          William         Comox                      Oliver & Robt. Duncan
1881 Dunn            John            Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1878 Dunston         John            Esquimalt                  C.E. Pooley
1874 Duros           Isabella        Victoria                   Thomas Russell
1874 Duros           Philip          Victoria                   Henry S. Mason
1874 Eastman         Thomas          Victoria                   Jno. Stafford
1881 Eberts          M.              Yale                       Anna M. Eberts
1874 Ella            Henry B.        Burrard Inlet              Martha B. Ella
1866 Elliott         Anthony         Victoria                   Hannah Elliott
1883 Empey           Buk L.          Nanaimo                    M. Bray
1881 Engert          Alex. F.L.      Yale                       William Teague
1878 Ennor           Joseph          Victoria                   Thomas Ennor
1875 Evans           William         Victoria                   M.T. Johnson
1878 Farr            Calvin          Comox                      C.E. Pooley
1861 Farrell         Bernard         Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1883 Farrell         Thomas          Yale                       Jas. C. Prevost
1862 Farringdon      Chas            Victoria                   M.J. Stone
1879 Finlay          Christopher     Nanaimo                    W. & M. Cartwright
1875 Finnerty        John            Victoria                   Hannah Finnerty
1862 Fischer         Max             Victoria                   Victorina Ernst
1883 Fisher          Audrew          Fraser River               A.C.E. Fisher
1865 Fisher          Edward Brant    Victoria                   Sarah Fisher
1862 Fisher          Moses           Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1879 Fisher          William         Esquimalt                  Mary R. Fisher
1876 Fitzgerald      John            Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1873 Fltzgerald      W.H.            Omineca                    Joseph Clearihue
1861 Foley           Daniel          Viztoria                   T.G. Williams
1873 Fox             George          Victoria                   Margaret Fox
1875 Francis         Cornelius       Victoria                   Richard Fortune
1879 Fraser          John            Chinook                    Amelia Fraser
1883 Fraser          Thomas Alex.    Yale District              Simon Peter Fraser
1863 Freemantle      Jno             Victoria                   Moses Sporburg
1875 Gabe            Francis         Kamloops                   C.E. Pooley
1882 Ganner          Elijah          Nanaimo                    Francis Ganner
1882 Gardiner        James           Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Geclau          Jas.            n/g 	                Jas. C. Prevost
1876 Gengan          Pierre          Victoria                   J.M. Mandart
1876 Genther         Chas.           California                 C.E. Pooley
1873 Gerka           Henry           Boston Bar                 C.E. Pooley
1873 Gillis          Hugh            Quesnellemoth              Benedict Gillis
1882 Girod           Philip          Okanagan                   J.B. Mayereau
1881 Gompertz        Geo. R.         Hope                       Drake & Jackson
1876 Goran           Dofis           Cassiar		        n/g
1882 Gorridge        Grace           East Portland              Elizabeth Williams
1876 Goss            Henry           Gabriola Island            John Caufield
1870 Goudie          Gilbert         Quesnelle                  Isabella Gowdie
1875 Gough           Edwin           Nanaimo                    Samuel Gough
1880 Goyette         Noel            Kamloops                   Odillon Goyette
1878 Graham          Buchanan        Callao                     C.E. Pooley
1880 Grancini        E.P.            Victoria                   Blanche Grancini & Jas. C. Prevost
1875 Grant           Allen           Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1867 Greavy          J.M.            Plumpers Pass              Mary Greavy
1877 Greep           John            Cariboo                    Henry S. Mason
1877 Greer           David           Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1862 Grey            Alex            Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1876 Gribble         George          Victoria                   D. Eckstein
1883 Gribble         Sophia          Nanaimo                    John Gribble
1871 Gunderson       Salven          Comox                      A.G. Horne
1881 Hagan           Rosa            South Saanich              James Hagan
1875 Hall            Westley         Cariboo                    John Bowron
1873 Halliday        Thomas          Cariboo                    William Halliday
1864 Halsey          Cornelius       Victoria                   Allen Francis
1865 Hamilton        Charles         Maple Bay                  John Morley
1870 Hamilton        John            Nanaimo                    Robt. Dunsmuir & Wm. Stewart
1882 Hamilton        John Sr         Nanaimo                    J. Hamilton Jr
1879 Hands           Henry           B.C.                       Emily Hands
1881 Hare (otherwise Nicholas        France                     Marie D. LeLievre
1882 Harman          Auguste         Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Haro            Oliver          Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1883 Harper          Alexander       Chilliwhack                Mary A. Harper
1869 Harris          Elmes           Moresby Island             Richard Woods
1883 Hartnagle       Adolphe         Victoria                   Louise Hartnagle
1880 Hartnon         Michael         New Westminster            Jas. C. Prevost
1881 Haslam          Richard         Nanaimo                    Jas. C. Prevost
1882 Haubois         C.N.            Yale                       Jas. C. Prevost
1879 Hawkins         Levi            Goldstream                 Jas. C. Prevost
1876 Hazlewood       George          New Westminster            C.E. Pooley
1880 Heath           H.E.            Gabriola Island            Mary Heath & Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Heath           Oliver          Canadian Pacifie Railway   E.A. Jenns
1880 Hedin           John            Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1872 Heffley         Adam            Thompson River             Richard Woods & C.E. Pooley
1882 Hemming         Henry           Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Hesse           Henry           New Westminster            E.A. Jenns
1877 Higgins         John            Langley                    Henry S. Mason
1883 Hillier         William         Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1882 Hirst           John            Nanaimo                    Harriet Hirst
1874 Hoagland        J.C.            Stickeen                   C.E. Pooley
1880 Hockin          James           Cassiar                    Simon Leiser
1872 Hocking         Samuel          Victoria                   James Hocking
1881 Hodges          Jane            Nanaimo                    M. Bray
1874 Hodges          Thomas          Victoria                   Mary Hodges
1881 Hodges          William         Nanaimo                    James Harvey
1868 Holland         James           Victoria                   Richard Woods
1875 Hook            Charles         Nanaimo                    C.E. Pooley
1883 Hopkins         Robt. Jno       Victoria                   M. Boal
1879 Hoskins         Charles         Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Howison         Justus W.       New Westminster            Mary Howison
1874 Hudson          G.R.            Victoria                   Matt. T. Johnston
1876 Hughes          Joseph Wm.      Nanaimo                    W. Manuel & W.N. Tregonning
1870 Hughes          Lewis           Nanaimo                    S.D. Levi
1883 Hughes          Robert          Oyster Harbour             Susannah Hughes
1873 Hume            James           New Westminster            Thomas Armstrong
1873 Humphreys       David           Omineca                    C.E. Pooley
1867 Humphreys       Isaac           Victoria                   Richard Woods
1864 Hunter          Edward          Victoria                   Josiah Hunter
1883 Hunter          George          n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Huppert         Jno. George     Saarbruck                  C.E. Pooley
1878 Hyde            George          Quesnellemouth             Alicia M. Hyde
1880 Irvine          Peter           Victoria                   Peter Irvine
1875 Jacquemo        Andre           Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1868 Jamieson        Chas. 0.        Victoria                   M.J. Jamieson
1881 Janes           George          Victoria                   Anna M. Janes
1864 Jenkins         Benjamin        Victoria                   Richard Lewis
1879 Jenkinson       George          Victoria                   Eliza Jenkinson
1873 Jenny           (Indianwoman)   Omineca                    n/g
1873 Johnson         C.G.            Victoria                   Ralph Borthwick
1882 Johnson         Robert          Brownsville                Anna M. Johnson
1883 Jones           J.T.            n/g  	                Jas. C. Prevost
1862 Jones           Stephen         Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1876 Journeaux       Edwd.           Cassiar                    David Lenevue
1876 Journeaux       Fredk.          Cassiar                    David Lenevue
1878 Kee             Tong            Victoria                   Clam Tan
1880 Kelly           James           Kamloops                   Jas. C. Prevost
1882 Kelly           Patrick         Yale                       Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Kennay          Robert          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1878 Kennedy         Fredk. W.       Bella Coola                J.P. Kennedy
1883 Kent            Perrin          Glenora                    J.C. Callbreath
1881 Ker             J.H.            Quesnelle                  A. Barlow
1882 Kerr            Charles         Cooks Ferry                Jas. C. Prevost
1882 Kier            William         Somenos                    James Kier
1876 Kim             Yung            Victoria                   Wai Yet
1874 Kimbal          E.H.            Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1861 King            Edward H.       Victoria                   Harriet Nice King
1883 King            Hong            Cariboo                    n/g
1878 Lam             Ton Yow         Victoria                   Mah Fook Tye
1878 Landers         John            Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1869 Lange           John            Lytton                     John Boyd
1869 Laughton        Wm.             Esquimalt                  Richard Woods
1878 Lawrence        Geo. K.         Victoria                   Ellen Lawrence
1881 LeCour          Julia           Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1875 Lee             John            Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1881 LeLievre        Auguste         Lytton                     Jas. C. Prevost
1881 Leveney         John            Washington T.              Jas. C. Prevost
1873 Lewis           David           Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1882 Lockhart        James K.        New Westminster            W.O. Lockhart
1879 Loertz          Jacob           Victoria                   Jacob Roesch
1861 Logan           William         Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1876 Loggie          Alexander       New Westminster            T.L. Stahlschmidt
1883 Lorenzelto      Andrea          n/g                        H. Hunter
1883 Lorenzo         Alphonzo        n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Love            James           Cowichan                   Jas. C. Prevost
1881 Lowe            James           Victoria                   Jos. Spratt
1882 Lowe            Wm. H.          Osoyoos                    Ella Lowe
1882 Luce            William         Snowshoe Creek             Geo. A. Veitch
1875 Lush            William         Victoria                   Christina Lush
1883 Machin          Wm.             n/g 	                Mary Machin & Jas. C. Prevost
1869 Maguire         Patrick         Victoria                   Patrick Murphy
1877 Marshall        T.0.            Clinton                    C.E. Pooley
1876 Martin          Ida E.A.        California                 n/g
1864 Martin          John P.         Boston, U.S.               Anna Martin
1876 Martin          William         New Westminster            C.E. Pooley
1880 Maxfield        James           Lillooet                   Jno. C. McCoombs
1882 McAuley         Alex            Lytton                     Jas. C. Prevost
1872 McBrabine       James           Comox                      Richard Woods
1879 McBryan         F.              Kamloops                   Jas. C. Prevost
1877 McCormick       John            Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1870 McCulloch       James           Victoria                   Richard Lewis
1875 McCulloch       Thomas          Victoria                   Thomas Earle
1875 McDonald        John            Nanaimo                    C.E. Pooley
1862 McDonald        Wm. F.          Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1868 McGee           Michael         Victoria                   Mary Magee
1879 McKay           Robert          Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1882 McKenzie        J.              n/g 	                n/g
1870 McLaren         John            Cariboo                    J.H. Todd
1882 McLaren         Robert          Spences Bridge             Wm. Livingstone
1883 McLean          Donald          Hat Creek                  Charles Wilson
1883 McLeod          John B.         Langley                    Kathleen McLeod
1883 McNeil          Martha          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1882 McPhail         Duncan          Seymour Narrows            Jas. C. Prevost
1883 McQuaig         John            Surrey Dist. of New West.  John McLennan
1882 Meade           Joel S.         Kootenay                   Jas. C. Prevost
1869 Medana          Pablo           Victoria                   Carl Bossi & Caterina Medana
1881 Meinerstoff     Henry           Salt Spring Island         Jas. C. Prevost
1871 Meldrum         George T.       South Sea Islands          Horsely Meldrum
1882 Melville        Henry           Sumas 		        E.A. Jenns
1879 Menagh          James           Victoria                   Alex. Menagh
1875 Menzer          F.A.            Victoria                   Henry S. Mason
1882 Michaud         Maximilian      New Westminster            Celaine Michaud
1873 Miller          Frederick       Kamloops                   C.E. Pooley
1882 Miner           Cicero          n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Minton          Joseph          Cariboo                    n/g
1868 Mitchell        George          Comox                      n/g
1873 MoKenzie        James           Kamloops                   Christine McKenzie
1881 Monck           J.C.            Victoria                   Elizabeth Monck
1868 Monro           Douglas         Quatsino                   Chas. & Isabella Bonwick
1876 Montgomery      John            Kootenay                   Alex. Montgomery
1868 Moore           George W.       Esquimalt                  Richard Woods
1882 Moore           J.              Cassiar                    Jas. C. Prevost
1881 MoQuarrie       Jno.            Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1882 Moriarty        Mary A.         England                    W.J. MacDonald
1881 Morrison        Neil            Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1880 Morton          John            Cariboo                    Jas. C. Prevost
1871 Mouatt          William A.      Victoria                   Mary Anne Mouatt
1873 Muir            George          Nicola                     C.E. Pooley
1882 Murphy          Patrick         Leech River                Jas. C. Prevost
1876 Musulman        C.              Kamsquit                   C.E. Pooley
1867 Naylor          Wm. Brook       Victoria                   Jane Naylor
1879 Neufelder       Felix           Victoria                   R.P. Rithet
1876 Newton          W.H.            Langley                    E.M. Newton
1869 Nicholson       Adam            Victoria                   Richard Woods
1874 O'Brien         James           Cottonwood                 C.E. Pooley
1879 O'Brien         Thomas          Cassiar                    Jas. C. Prevost
1871 Ogden           Peter           Stuart's Lake              Phresine Ogden
1871 Ogden           Peter Skeene    Fraser River               Phresine Ogden
1865 Ogilvie         Jno. D.B.       Victoria                   Mary Car Ogilvie
1869 Oliver          James           Victoria                   Richard Woods
n/g  O'Mara          Jas.            Kamloops                   G.C. Tunstall
1883 O'Neill         James           New Westminster            Jas. C. Prevost
1882 Oppenheimer     Sarah           Yale                       D. Oppenheimer
1876 Ordway          A.B.            Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1872 Outhrie         Thomas          Clinton                    C.E. Pooley
1879 Owens           William         Cassiar                    Jas. C. Prevost
1875 Palma           Juan            New Westminster            C.E. Pooley
1883 Palmer          Gidrow          Cariboo                    John Bowron
1873 Parker          Samuel          Stanley                    Catherine Parker
1866 Parkinson       George          Victoria                   James Langley
1876 Parsons         Otis            Victoria                   E.C. Parsons
1872 Parsons         Robert          Nanaimo                    Philip Parsons
1876 Patterson       William         Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1881 Paull           Charles         Granville                  Elizabeth A. Paull
1880 Peacock         George          Ayrshire                   George Fry
1871 Peers           Henry N.        Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1864 Peers           Hy. Newsham     Victoria                   Eliza Peers & James Yale
1875 Peighton        John            Granville                  C.E. Pooley
1881 Peralto         Antoine         n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Perritt         Frank           Cariboo                    C.E. Pooley
1861 Peterson        Ole             Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1872 Petter          Charles H.      Williams Lake              C.E. Pooley
1870 Phillips        Andrew          Victoria                   James Strachan & Eli Harrison
1868 Planelles       Marion          Victoria                   Richard Woods
1882 Pleace          John            Victoria                   J.H. Pleace
1878 Poh             Ah              Inverness                  Ah Wong Poh
1864 Polglease       Francis         Victoria                   Richard Goldsworthy
1882 Polmere         Jno.            Cariboo                    Wm. H. Polmere
1865 Polthoff        Henry           Victoria                   Julius Jungerman
1879 Poole           James           Lillooet                   Jas. C. Prevost
1875 Posthill        Edward          New Westminster            C.E. Pooley
1861 Price           Morris          Cayoosh                    Jacob Price
1863 Price           Rhys            Victoria                   David Grier
1876 Rae             William         San Francisco              M.W.T. Drake
1880 Raggazoni       Innocent        Victoria                   Cassimer Raggazoni
1874 Rappitt         David           Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1879 Rath            George          Victoria                   William Rath
1883 Redding         Michael         Yale                       Jas. C. Prevost
1880 Redmond         Mich.           Cariboo                    Jas. C. Prevost
1882 Reid            John L.         Lytton                     Jas. C. Prevost
1879 Reid            Wm. McDonald    Saanich                    Emily Reid
1873 Riley           Thomas          Omineca                    C.E. Pooley
1874 Rippon          William         Saanich                    Henry S. Mason
1865 Rise            Andrew J.       Victoria                   Richard Woods
1864 Roberts         George          Victoria                   Peter McQuade
1880 Roberts         James           New Westminster            Jas. C. Prevost
1875 Roberts         John            Sumas                      C.E. Pooley
1883 Robertson       John J.         Victoria                   Edwin Leigh
1868 Robertson       William         Salt Spring Island         John Morley
1873 Robertson       William         Victoria                   E.A. Sharpe
1881 Robinson        George          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1880 Rolls           Sarah R.        Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1873 Rombrot         Vincent         16 Mile House              C.E. Rombrot
1878 Ross            Alexander       Victoria                   Mary Ross
1863 Ross            John            Victoria                   Genevieve Ross
1875 Rueff           Jules           Victoria                   Ld. Lowenberg
1861 Ruffley         Jeremiah E.     Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1880 Russell         D.W.            Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Russell         John            Langley                    C.E. Pooley
1875 Sabiston        J. McK.         Nanaimo                    Katrine Sabiston
1879 Sadoux          C.J.            Cariboo                    John Girod
1877 Salisbury       Jas.            Lillooet                   H.S. Mason
1883 Salmon          William         n/g		        J.J. Southgate
1865 Schafer         Henry           Washington T.              Patk. M. O'Brien
1864 Scott           Robert          Victoria                   Eliza Scott
1876 Seater          D.B.            Yale                       C.E. Pooley
1874 Seebert         Adam            Saanich                    Eleanora Seebert
1879 Seymour         George T.       Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1880 Shade           David           Victoria                   Ellen Shade
1878 Shea William    Prevost         Island                     Thomas Ewen
1882 Shelford        John            Chilliwhack                Jas. C. Prevost
1868 Shelling        Frederick       Victoria                   Richard Woods
1883 Shepherd        John            North Arm, Fraser River    E.A. Jenns
1868 Sheppard        John            Victoria                   Richard Woods
1882 Shuman          Benj.           Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Sicker          Jno. Jacob      Chilliwhack                A.S. Vedder & Arthur Vedder
1877 Simoni          Phillipine      Dog Creek                  C.E. Pooley
1872 Simpson         Eliza A.        Victoria                   George Simpson
1878 Simson          Aaron           Victoria                   A.D. Simson
1876 Sing            Ah              Clinton                    C.E. Pooley
1883 Sivewright      James Alex.     New Westminster            Harriet Sivewright
1882 Skitch          Cecelia         Saanich                    Thomas Skitch
1875 Sloan           Rebecea         Puyallip                   Jno. R. Thompson
1879 Smith           George          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1868 Smith           James           Victoria                   Richard Woods
1869 Smith           John            Victoria                   Eliza Smith
1872 Smith           Joseph L.       Clinton                    Eliza Smith
1880 Smith           Patk. T.        Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1865 Smith           Richard         Lake District              Robert Porter
1883 Smith           Robt. Hall      Victoria                   Samuel Reid
1862 Smith           Thomas          Victoria                   T.G. Williams
1877 Smith           Thomas          Cassiar                    n/g
1866 Smith           Victor          Victoria                   L.B. Hastings
1876 Smith           William         Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1880 Smith           Dav�d           Victoria District          Jas. C. Prevost
     (otherwise Hunter)
1876 Somers          Charles         Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1876 Somers          Moses           Cassier                    C.E. Pooley
1883 Somerville      Jas.            Comox                      Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Southey         James L.        Liverpool                  J.J. Southgate
1882 Spence          Andrew          n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1881 Spence          Thomas          Victoria                   David Oppenheimer
1881 Sproule         Wm.             Burrard Inlet              Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Squire          James           Yale                       Jas. C. Prevost
1876 Steaven         John            Kootenay                   C.E. Pooley
1869 Stephen         Mary            Saanich                    John Stephens
1865 Stephenson      George          Victoria                   M.W.T. Drake
1881 Strachan        James           Victoria                   Henry Hewitt
1875 Suin            Chon            Lytton                     C.E. Pooley
1883 Sullivan        Jno.            Dog Creek                  Jas. C. Prevost
1876 Sullivan        Jno. H.         Cassiar                    Henry S. Mason
1883 Sullivan        Timothy         Lytton                     Jas. C. Prevost
1863 Tacker          William         Victoria                   J.G. McKay & D.Scott
1883 Takoshi         Jinshishi       Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1868 Thibault        Lucy            Victoria                   Richard Woods
1883 Thistleton      James           Victoria                   Eliza Thistleton
1874 Thomas          James           Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1870 Thompson        J. Bowes        New Westminster            M.A. Thompson
1877 Thompson        John            New Westminster            Henry S. Mason
1875 Thompson        Robert          Kamloops                   C.E. Pooley
1881 Thompson        Wm.             Yale                       Jas. C. Prevost
1873 Timmerman       J.B.            Victoria                   Henry S. Mason
1883 T�ngley         Alex            Yale                       Stephen Tingley
1869 Titcombe        John S.         Victoria                   Richard Woods
1871 Titus           Miles           Comox                      Egbert G. Williams
1883 Tod             Sophia          Victoria                   Alexander Tod
1870 Toothill        Henry           Victoria                   J. Blackburn
1873 Torello         Nicolai         Victoria                   C.E. Pooley
1868 Traveno         William         Cariboo                    Richard Woods
1879 Trip            Ah              Yale                       Michael O'Connor
1874 Trook           J.L.            Cassiar                    C.E. Pooley
1874 Valle           Feliciene       Alkali Lake                C.E. Pooley
1865 Varicas         Horatio         Victoria                   Sebright Green
1874 Waddington      Alfred          Ottawa                     E. Grancini
1877 Walker          George          n/g		        n/g
1866 Wallier         Thomas          Victoria                   Philip Hankin
1862 Walls           William         Victoria                   J.M. Walls
1882 Ward            James           Cache Creek                Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Watson          Adam            Cariboo	                Mary Watson
1874 Watson          Ralph           Cassiar                    William Watson
1883 Watson          Robt. Scott     Victoria                   Alexander Watson
1873 Weaver          George          Kootenay                   Cornelius Booth
1862 Webster         James           Victoria                   Geo. C. Webster
1879 Wee             Wong            Cariboo                    Wong Chong
1873 Weissenberger   P.J.            Victoria                   J.A. Weissenberger
1875 Wellwood        Joseph          Cache Creek                C.E. Pooley
1877 Weston          Jacob           Lytton                     Loius Hautier
1882 White           George          Kamloops                   Jas. C. Prevost
1882 White           George          Kamloops                   Jas. C. Prevost
1880 Whitely         Samuel          Victoria                   Jas. C. Prevost
1873 Whittey         John            Victoria                   Charlotte Whittey
1881 Wilby           Edward          Burrard Inlet              Esther Wilby
1881 Wild            F.              Nanaimo                    Ed. Quesnelle & Jno. Gemmell
1882 Wild            Frederick       Nanaimo                    E. Quennell & J. Gemmell
1871 Wilkie          John            Victoria                   W.B. Wilson
1881 Wilkinson       Chas.           Yale                       Jas. C. Prevost
1877 Williams        David           Cassiar                    Henry S. Mason
1878 Williams        John W.         Cariboo                    John Evans
1882 Williams        Thos. H.        Nanaimo                    Jas. C. Prevost
1880 Williams        Wm.             Nanaimo                    Jas. C. Prevost
1883 Williams        Wm. Eddy        Victoria                   John Begg
1876 Willis          Williain        Nanaimo                    C.E. Pooley
1878 Wilson          Elizabeth       Victoria                   Henry S. Mason
1883 Wing            Woh             n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1863 Wood            John            Victoria                   B.P. Griffin
1868 Wood            John H.         Victoria                   Richard Woods
1879 Work            David           Victoria                   R. Finlayson & C.S. Jones
1880 Wren            John            Nanaimo                    Mary Anne Wren
1867 Wrigglesworth   John            Victoria                   S. Wigglesworth
1881 Wyatt           Edwin           Nanaimo                    M. Bray
1883 Yerxa           A.              n/g                        Jas. C. Prevost
1878 Young           Geo. C.         Victoria                   J.B. Madigan
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