Names and Location of the Capes, Bays, Points, Channels, etc., of Vancouver Island, 1909
Aaron Point in Victoria Arm, Victoria 
Active Pass Between Mayne Island and Galiano Island 
Alberni Canal Continuation of Barkley Sound 
Albert Head In the Metchosin District, on the coast mldway between Victorla and Pedder Bay 
Alpha Passage Off Amphitrite Point 
Amphitrite Point About 2 miles S.W. of Ucluelet 
Annetta Creek On W. side of Prevost Island 
Ashby Point On,.N. coast of Hope Island 

Bajo Point Situated on the S.W. coast of Nootka Island 
Baker Passage At the S. of Cortes Island, separating from Hernando Island 
Ballinac Channel Between Ballinac Island and Vancouver Island 
Barclay Point In Rock Bay, at the N. end of Constance Street, Victoria 
Bare Point Situated at Chemainus Bay 
Barkley Sound S.W. coast of Vancouver Island; it extends up to Alberni under the name of the Alberni Canal 
Baronet Passage Between Harbledown and Cracroft Island 
Baynes Sound On the E. Coast, opposite the N. end of Denman Island 
Bazan Bay On E. coast of Saanich Peninsula, 2 m1les S. of Sidney 
Beak Point Northern point of Denman Island 
Beaver Cove On the N. coast of Vancouver Island between Broughton and Johnstone Straits 
Beaver Harbor In the Queen Charlotte Sound, S. of Hardy Bay 
Becher Bay In the Juan de Fuca Strait, at the extreme S. end of Vancouver Island 
Bedwell Sound Situated opposite Meares Island, running in a N. direction into Vancouver Island 
Beechey Head The most S.W. polnt of Becher Bay 
Bezallos A branch of tbe Esperanza Inlet, running N. 
Black Bluff The N. coast of Malcolm Island 
Black Fish Sound Between Hanson and Swanson Islands 
Blackney Pass Between Hanson and Cracroft Islands 
Blind Entrance Situated between Vancouver Island and N. shore, of Union Island 
Blind Reef Seven miles N.E. of Cape James (Hope Island) 
Blubber Bay On N. of Texada Island 
Blunder Point Near the entrance to Nanoose Bay 
Boat Cove Situated on N. shore of Quatsino Sound 
Boat Harbor S. coast of Cracroft Island, in the Johnstone Strait 
Bold Bluff At entrance to Quatsino Sound, on the S. side 
Bold Point N.W. of Swanson Island 
Bonilla Point About 2 miles S.E. of Carmanah Point 
Boulder Point The N. coast of Malcolm Island 
Boulder Point W. of Hesquiat Harbor, on Estevan Point 
Boulder Point In the Juan de Fuca Strait, midway between Shirley and Port San Juan 
Boulder Point N.W. of Saanich Peninsula 
Boxer Point S.E. extremity of North Galiano Island 
Broken Channel Situated between S. coast of Vargas Island and Vancouver Island; lighthouse situated on S. side of channel 
Brooks Bay Situated between Lawn Foint and Cape Cook 
Broughton Straits Between the N.E. coast of Vancouver and Malcolm Islands 
Brown Point N.E. entrance to Forward Inlet 
Browning Pass Between North Galiano and Balaklava Islands 
Browning Passage Opposite most S. part of Meares Island 
Bull Harbor A long Inlet running N. into Hope Island 
Bull Passage Between Texada and Lasoueti Islands
Bullock Point The N. point of Cortes Island 
Bute Pass Between North Galiano Island and Vansittard Island 

Cadboro Bay Three and one-half miles N.E. of Victoria 
Cahnish Bay On W. of Valdes Island, 20 miles N. of Campbell River 
Calm Channel E. of Valdes Island, separating it from the mainland of British Columbia 
Cameleon Harbor On the N.W. of Valdes Island 
Camp Bay About 4 miles N.W. of Port San Juan 
Canoe Pass N.E. of Cracroft Island, dividing the Island into two 
Canoe Passage Between Village and Turnour Islands 
Cape Beale At the S. side of the entrance to Barkley Sound, 85 miles of N.W. of Victorla 
Cape Commereil The most N. point of Vancouver island 
Cape Cook A prominent cape situated at the most S.W. point Brooks Bay 
Cape James N.E. of Hope Island 
Cape Keppel S.W. point of Salt Spring Island 
Cape Lazo Five miles N.E. of Comox 
Cape Mudge The Southernmost point of Valdez Island, 30 miles N. of Comox 
Cape Palmerston Situated about 6 miles S.E. of Cape Russell 
Cape Russell Situated about midway between Cape Scott and Cape Palmerston 
Cape Saxe At the S. end of Fraser Street, Victoria West 
Cape Scott Is the most N.W. point on Vancouver Island 
Captain Pass Between Salt Spring Island and Prevost Island, Gulf of Georgia 
Cardero Channel Separates Thurlow Island and the N. of Valdes Island from the mainland of British Columbia 
Carmanah Point Eighty miles N.W. of Victoria 
Castle Point Most S. point on Deserters' Island 
Chamiss Bay Situated in N. part of Kyuquot Sound 
Chancellor Channel Between Thurlow Island and mainland of British Columbia 
Channel Rock In Victoria Harbor 
Chapman Point At the S.E. end of Victoria Arm, Victoria 
Chatham Point At N. end of Discovery Passage 
Christie Channel Between Balaklava, and Hurst Islands 
Clayoquot Sound Shelter Arm, North Arm, Herbert Arm, Bedwell Sound, Tofino Inlet and Kennedy Lake - Situated between Nootka Sound and Barkley Sound 
Clio Channel Between Turnour and Cracroft Islands 
Clover Point At the S. end of Moss Street, Victoria 
Coal Harbor Situated In Rupert Arm (Quatsino Sound) 
Coal Point N.W. of Saan1ch Peninsula 
Cole Bay On W. side of Saanich Peninsula 
Coletas Channel Between North Galiano Island and N. coast of Vancouver Island 
Constance Cove In Esquimalt Harbor 
Copper Cove In Sooke Harbor 
Cordova Channel Between James Island and E. coast of Saanich Peninsula 
Cowichan Harbor On the E. coast, 3 miles E. of Cowichan Station 
Cox Point Situated about 6 miles S.E. of Vargas Island 
Cracroft Point Most W. point of Cracroft Island 
Crescent Point S.E. corner of Limestone Island 
Creyke Point A prominent point in Becher Bay 

David Channel N.W. corner of Barkley Sound 
Deep Bay On the N. coast and at the N.W. corner of Vancouver Island 
Deep Bay On the E. coast, 10 miles S. of Union Bay 
Deep Cove On the N.W. of Saanich Peninsula 
Deep Inlet Situated E. part of Kyuquot Bound 
Deer Passage Between Redonda Island and Raza Island 
Departure Bay Three miles N.W. of Nanaimo 
Desolation Sound Between S.E. of Redonda Island and the mainland of British Columbia 
Discovery Passage The long channel which separates Valdes Island from the E. coast of the Sayward District; about 30 miles in length 
Diver Bay On S. side of Prevost Island 
Dodd Narrows Between Gabriola Island and the Cedar District, 6 miles S.E. of Nanaimo 
Donegal Head S.E. of Malcolm Island 
Drew Harbor Adjoinlng Heriot Day S.E. of Valdes Island 
Duncan Bay On Discovery Passage, 6 miles N. of Campbell River 
Duntze Head At the entrance of Esquimalt Harbor 

Effingham Inlet Situated on N. side of Barkley Sound 
Eleanor Point On the S. of Salt Spring Island, E. of Fulford Harbor 
Ellen Bay On S. side of Prevost Island 
Ellice Point In Victoria Harbor, near E9quimalt Road 
Elk Bay On the E. coast of the Sayward District, 25 miles N. of Campbell River 
Esperanza Inlet (Espinosa Arm and Zeballos Arm) Situated between N. shore of Nootka Island and Vancouver Island 
Espinosa Arm A branch of the Esperanza Inlet running N. 
Esquimalt Harbor Lies 3 miles W. of Victoria. The harbor is one of the finest on the Pacific coast 
Estevan Point S. side of entrance to Nootka Sound 
Evans Bay On the E. of Read Island 

Fair Harbor Sltuated E. part of Kyuquot Sound 
Fairway Channel Am entrance Into Nanalmo Harbor 
False Head In Queen Charlotte Sound, 6 miles W. of Malcolm Island 
False Passage Between Hernando Island and Sayward Island 
Fanny Bay Eight miles S. of Union Bay 
Ferrer Point Most S.W. point in the Nuchalitz Inlet 
Finlayson Point S. of Beacon Hill Park, Victoria 
Finlayson's Arm The S. portion of the Saanich Inlet 
Fisherman's Bay A small bay on the N. coast and at the N.W. corner Vancouver Island 
Ford Point Between Foul Bay and Shoal Day, Victoria 
Fortune Channel Situated between Vancouver Island and E. coast of Meares Island 
Forward Bay In the Johnstone Bay, S. coast of Cracroft Island 
Forward Inlet Situated near N.W. entrance to Quatsino Sound 
Forwood Channel Between Gabriola Island and Entrance Island, 6 miles E. of Nanaimo 
Foul Bay Foot of Foul Bay Road, Victoria 
Friendly Cove Situated on Nootka Island 

Gallows Point  E. entrance of Bull Harbor (Hope Island) 
Ganges Harbor W. coast of Salt Spring Island, 20 miles N. of Sidney 
George Passage In the Queen Charlotte Sound between N. of Malcolm Island and Poster Island 
Georgia, Straits of Separate the S. portion of Vancouver Island from mainland of British Columbia 
Georgina Point On Mayne Island, in the Strait of Georgia 
Gillies Bay On the W. coast of Texada Island 
Glimpse Reefs S. of Dallas Road, near Beacon Hill Park, Victoria 
Gonzales Point One-half mile S.E. of Victorla golf links 
Goose Spit A promontory at the entrance of Comox Harbor 
Gordon Head Five miles N.E. of Victoria 
Gordon Point S.E. of Cormorant Island 
Gorge, The Victoria Arm, Victoria 
Gowlland Harbor On W. of Valdez Island, 4 miles N. of Quathiaski 
Granite Bay On W. of Valdez Island, S. of Okishollow Channel 
Greeting Point N. extremity of North Galiano Island 
Growler Cove W. end of Cracroft Island 

Hardy Day At the N.W. end of Vancouver Island, 20, miles N.W. of Alert Bay and 185 miles N.W. of Nanaimo 
Haro Strait Between the E. coast of the Saanich Peninsula and San Juan Island 
Havanna Channel Between Cracroft Island and mainland of British Columbia 
Head Bay Sitiaated at N. end of Tlupana Arm 
Heath Point Most S.E. point of Hope Island 
Hecate Channel Sltuated between the N.E. coast of Nootka Island Vancouver Island 
Hecate Cove Situated near Quatsino 
Hecate Pass Situated between N. shore fo Vargas Island and Vancouver Island 
Herbert Arm Situated in N. part of Clayoquot Sound 
Heriot Bay Thirty-six miles N. of Comox 
Hesquiat Harbor Between Nootka Sound and Sidney Inlet 
Hole-in-the-Wall A narrow channel on the E. of Valdez Island; a continuation of Okishollow Channel 
Hole-in-the-Wall S.W. extremity of Estevan Point 
Holland Point At the S. end of Government Street, Victoria 
Holloway Point S.W. corner of Limestone Island 
Hope Point In Victoria Harbor, near E. & N. R. 
Horseshoe Bay On the E. coast, at Chemainus 
Hoskyn Inlet Separates Valdez Island from Read Island 

Jacks Point The most N.E. point of Nanaimo Harbor 
James Bay The principal part of Victoria Harbor; Government Street runs along E. side of same 
James Point N.W. point of the Saanich Peninsula 
Johnstone Strait A long navigable stretch of water by which steamers must travel to get around the N. coast of Vancouver Island 
Jordan Meadows Lle at the head of the Jordan River 
Juan de Fuca Strait Between the S. coast of Vancouver Island and the N. portion of the State of Washington, U.S.A 

Kendrick Arm Situated on the E. coast of Nootka Island 
King Passage Situated at entrance to Muchalat Arm at S. side 
Klaskino Inlet SituAted at the. middle of Brooks Bay 
Klaskisk Inlet An Inlet at the S.E. end of Brooks Bay 
Kokshittle Arm A branch of the Kyuquot Sound, situated at Northern most part of same 
Koprino Harbor On the N. shore of Quatsino Sound 
Kowshet Cove About 6 miles N.W., of Port San Juan 
Kuhushan Point On the E. coast, 22 miles N. of Comox 
Kyuquot Sound (Kokshittle Arm and Tahsish Arm) Situated between Union Island and Vancouver Island 
Labouchere Channel Between Numas Island (Queen Charlotte Sound) and mainland 
Lambert Channel Between Denman and Hornby Islands 
Lang Cove In Constance Cove, Esquimalt Harbor 
Laurel Point In Victoria Harbor, at the foot of Belleville Street 
Lawn Point Situated about 10 miles S.W. of Bold Bluff 
Ledger Point Stretches into the Broughton Strait; between S. of Malcolm Island and Port McNeil 
Lewis Channel Separates the N.E. of Cortes Island from, Redonda Island 
Liddle Point S.W. of Prevost Island 
Limit Pt. In Victoria Harbor, near E. & N. R. 
Little Bay At the S. end of Catherine Street, Victoria 
Lizard Point N.E. of Malcolm Island 
Long Bay Extends in a S.E. direction from Portland Point for about 7 miles 
Long Harbor On E. coast of Salt Spring Island, 2 mile R of Ganges 

Macaulay Point At the S. end of Stephenson Street, Victoria 
Maclaughlin Point At the S. end of Victoria View Road, Victoria 
Malaspina Strait Between Texada Island and the mainland of British Columbia 
Malksope Inlet An Inlet situated about 2 miles S.E. of Ou Ou Kinsh Inlet 
Maple Bay On the coast, E. of Duncan 
Maple Point On the E. coast opposite Denman Island, 12 miles S. of Union Bay 
Maquinna Point Most S. point on Nootka Island 
Marshall Point N. point of Texada Island 
Mayne Bay In Barkley Sound, about a mile S. of the entrance to Pipestem Inlet 
Menzies Bay On the E. of the Sayward District 10 miles N. of Campbell River 
Mexican Point Most W. point of Hope Island 
Michell Say The S.E. of Malcolm Island 
Middle Rock In Victoria Harbor 
Mill Bay An Inlet on the W. of Saanich Inlet 
Miners Channel on E. coast of Sidney Island, part of Haro Straits 
Mink Point W. of Turnour Island 
Mitchell Point S.W. of Saanich Inlet 
Montague Harbor In the S.W. of Galiano Island, Gulf of Georgia 
Mosquito Harbor At the head of Clayoquot Sound 
Muchalat Arm A branch of the Nootka Sound, running in an E. direction into Vancouver Island 

Nanoose Bay Thirteen miles N.W. of Nanaimo 
Napkin Point About 1½ miles S.E. Coal Harbor, opposite Quatsino Narrows 
Narrows, The At the S.E. end of Victoria Arm, Victoria 
Nasparte Inlet Situated about 6 miles N.W. of Bunsby Island 
New Channel One of the passages at the N.W. entrance of the Queen Charlotte Sound 
Nodales Channel Separates the N.W. of Valdez Island from Thurlow Island 
Noel Channel S. of Broughton Island 
Nootka Sound (Kendrick Arm, Muchalat Arm and Flupana Arm) Situated between the S.E. shore of Nootka Island and Vancouver Island 
North Arm Situated in N. part of Clayoquot Sound 
North Harbor Situated at entrance to Quatsino Sound 
Northwest Bay In the Nanoose District 
Northwest Nipple A point 2½ miles W. of Cape Commerell 
Northumberland Channel Between Gabriola Island and the Cedar District 4 miles S.E. of Nanaimo 
Nuchalitz Inlet A large inlet running into the N. part of Nootka Island in an E. direction 
Numakiamis Bay At the N. end of the Eastern channel of the Barkley Sound 

Oak Bay E. of Victoria 
Ogden Point At the S. end of Montreal Street, Victoria 
Okishollow Channel On the N. of Valdez Island 
Open Bay Situated at S.W. entrance to Quatalno Sound 
Orange Point On the E. of the Sayward District, 6 miles W. of Campbell River 
Osborne Bay On the E. coast Comiaken District 
Otter Bay On W. coast of Pender Island 
Otter Point On the trait of Juan de Fuca, 1 mile S.E. of Otter Point P.O. 
Ou Ou Kinsh Inlet Sltiiated about 4 miles S.E. of Nasparte Inlet 
Owen Point At the N.W. entrance to Port San Juan 
Oyster Say At mouth of Oyster River 
Oyster Harbor An inlet 4 miles in length, on the E. coast, at Ladysmith 

Pachena Bay Sltuated about 4 miles S.E. of Cape Beale 
Parry Bay A large bay lying between Albert Head and William Head 
Pedder Bay Runs into Vancouver Island in a N.W. direction, between Bentinct Island and William Head 
Peili Point N. point of Prevost Island 
Pilgrim Cove In Constance Cove, Esquimalt Harbor 
Pin Rock In Victoria Harbor 
Pipestem Inlet Situated on coast between Ucluelot and Effingham Inlet 
Plumber Pass Between Galiano and Mayne Islands, Gulf of Georgia 
Plumper Bay In Esquimalt Harbor 
Plumper Bay On W. coast of Valdez Island, adjoining Seymour Narrows 
Plumpsr Sound Between Mayne and Pender Islands, Gulf of Georgia 
Point-no-Point In the Juan de Fuca Strait about 3 miles N.W. of Shirley 
Point Prideaux Most E. point of Koprino Harbor 
Point Upwood The S. point of Texada Island 
Point Young The S. point of Lasoueti Island 
Port Eliza Situated at N. part of Esperanza Inlet 
Port San Juan Midway between Victoria and Cape Beale 
Portage Inlet At the N.W. end of Victoria Arm, Victoria 
Portier Pass Between Vadlez Island and Galiano Island, Gulf of Georgia 
Portland Point Situated about 9 miles S.E. of Vargas Island 
Portlock Point S.E. corner of Prevost Island 
Possession Point Three and one-half miles N.W. of Beechy Head 
Providence Cove In the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 4 miles S.E. of Port Juan 
Pryce Channel Between the N. of Redonda Island and the mainland British Columbia 
Pulteney Point West coast of Malcolm Island 

Quataino Narrows Connect Quatsino Sound and Rupert Arm 
Quathiaski Cove Thirty miles N. of Comox 
Quatsino Sound (West Arm, Rupert Arm and South East Arm) On the W. coast at the N. end of Van Island 

Race Channel Between, Rare Island and Vancouver Island 
Race Point On the E. of Sayward District, 10 miles N. of Campbell River 
Rafael Point Most S.W. point on Flores Island 
Raft Cove Situated between Cape Palmerston and Top Knot Point 
Roof Point The S. point of Cortes Island 
Reef Point Situated about 8 miles S.W. of Bold Bluff 
Refuge Cove Sltuated opposite W. coast of Flores Island, running N. into Vancouver Island 
Retreat Cove At the N. end of Galiano Island 
Ripple Passage Between the Walker and Millar groups of Islands 
Robson Bight A bay on N. coast of Vancouver Island, in the Johnstone Strait, at the mouth of the Tsi-itka River 
Rock Bay At the N. end of Store Street, Victoria 
Rose Bay At the E. end of Fern Street, Victoria 
Ross Bay Near new cemetery, Victoria 
Rough Bay The S. coast of Malcolm Island 
Royal Bay Lying between Albert Head and Victoria Harbor 
Rugged Point Near N. entrance to Quatsino Sound 
Rupert Arm An arm of the Quatsino Sound; 12 miles long 

Sabine Channel Between Texada Island and Lasoueti Island 
Salmon Channel Between Foster Island and Holford Island, in Queen Charlotte Sound 
San Josef Bay Situated between Cape Russell and Cape Palmerston 
Sansum Narrows Between the E. coast of the Cowichan District and Salt Spring Island 
Scarlett Point At the entrance to Christie Channel 
Schooner Cove About 1 mile N.W. of Nanoose Harbor 
Scott Channel Situated between Cox Island and Vancouver Island 
Sea Otter Cove Situated near Cape Russell 
Seachart Channel In Barkley Sound, between Nettle Island and the coast of Vancouver 1sland 
Secretary Point On N. coast of Hope Island 
Selkirk Water At the S.E. end of Victoria Arm, Victoria 
Seymour Narrows The narrowest part of Discovery Passage, 12 miles N. of Campbell Rlver on E. coast of Sayward District 
Shadwell Channel Between E. coast of Hope Island and Vansittard Island 
Shelter Arm Situated in N. part of Clayoquot Sound 
Shelter Point On the E. coast, 7 miles S. of Campbell River 
Sheringham Point In the Juan de Fuca Strait, near near Shirley 
Ship Channel Near Ucluelet 
Ship Point On the E. coast, 8 miles S. of Union Bay 
Shoal Bay One-quarter m1le S.W. of Victoria golf links 
Shoal Harbor On E. coast of Saanich Peninsula, 1 mile N. of Sidney 
Shoal Point At the S. side of the entrance to Victoria Harbor 
Shushartie Bay At the N.W. end of the Coletas Channel 
Sidney Channel Between Sidney Island and James Island, Gulf of Georgia 
Sidney Inlet Situated between the W. coast of Flores Island and Vancouver Island 
Single Tree Point On N.E. coast of Vancouver Island, 3½ miles W. of Malcolm Island 
Sleeper Rocks In Victoria Harbor 
Songhees Point In Victoria Harbor 
Sooke Harbor In the Juan de Fuca Strait, between Shirley and Race Island 
Sooke Inlet At the entrance to Sooke Harbor 
South East Arm An arm of the Quatsino Sound; 15 miles long 
Spring Pass Between Midsummer Island and S.W. of Gilford Island 
Stevens Pass Between Texada Island and the E. coast of. the Comox District 
Sunderland Channel Between Hardwick Island and mainland of British Columbia 
Surge Narrows An inlet on S.E. of Valdez Island, off the Hoskyn Inlet 
Sutil Channel Between Read Island and Cortes Island 
Swanson Channel Between Pender and Moresby Islands, in Gulf of Georgia 

Tahsis Canal Situated between the E. coast of Nootka Island and the mainland, and running about 5 miles N. into Vancouver Island 
Tahsish Arm A branch of the Kyuquot Sound, situated at N.E. part of same 
Tatchu Point Situated at the N.W. point of Esperanza Inlet 
Telegraph Bay Six miles N.E. of Victoria 
Templar Channel Situated between S. coast of Vargas Island and Vancouver Island 
Thetis Cove In Esquimalt Harbor 
Thomas Point Easternmost point of Beaver Harbor 
Tlupana Arm A branch of the Nootka Sound, running in a N.E. direction into Vancouver Island 
Tofino Sound Situated in S. end of Clayoquot Sound 
Tongue Point Is the most N.E. point of Northwest Day 
Tod Inlet W. side of Saanich Peninsula 
Top Knot Point Situated midway between Cape Palmerston and Rugged Point 
Toquart Harbor Situated near Pipestem Inlet, in Barkley Sound 
Tree Point W. end of Midsummer Island 
Tribune Bay On the S. of Hornby Island 
Trincomalie Channel Between Galiano and Salt Spring Islands, Gulf of Georgia 
Trinity Bay The N. coast of Malcolm Island 
Turkey Head S. shore of Oak Bay, Victoria 
Turn Point At S.W. of Saanich Inlet 
Turn Point Most E. point of Hope Island 

Uchucklesit Harbor Situated at entrance of Alberni Canal 
Ucluelet Arm A narrow neck of water running in a N.W. direction into Vancouver Island; situated at entrance to Barkley Sound 
Ugly Channel Sltuated near Ucluelet 
Union Bay On N.W. of Saanich Peninsula, 2 m1les W. of Sidney 

Vernon Bay Situated in N. part of Barkley Sound 
Vesuvius Bay W. coast of Salt Spring Island 
Victoria Arm N.W. of Victoria 
Village Bay On tbe W. coast of Mayne Island 

Waddington Channel Separates the two Redonda Islands 
Warn Bay Situated on Vancouver Island, opposite Meares Island 
Wells Pass Between Broughton Island and the mainland, in Queen Charlotte Sound 
West Arm An arm of the Quatsino Sound; 25 miles long 
West Bay At the S. end of Head Street, Victoria 
White Stone Point On Vancouver Island, opposite, and E. of Limestone Island 
Wilfred Point Adjoining Menzies Bay, 12 miles N. of Campbell River 
William Head In the Metchosin District, 17 m1les S.W. of Victoria 
Williamson Channel Situated at entranee to Muchalat Arm, on'N. side 
Wi1lis Point At entrance to Tod Inlet, on W. side of Saanich Peninsula 
Willow Point On the E. coast, 5 miles S. of Campbell River 
Winter Harbor Situated on the N.W. side of Quataino Sound. 15 miles W. of Quatsino 
Woodward Point At entrance to Sooke Harbor 
Work Point At the entrance to Victoria Harbor 
Wreck Bay Situated between Portland Point and Amphitrite Point 

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