List of Prisoners Liberated from Nanaimo Gaol
during the year ending October 31st, 1884
ALBERS/Herman/38/Germany/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
ALLEN/James/32/England/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
ALLEN/Thomas/23/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/1 months' imprisonment
ALLEN/Thomas/23/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1 month
hard labour, & costs, or 1 week additional
ALLEN/Thomas/23/England/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable/Bail $5 estreated
AMUSKGUASMA/Dick/50/British Columbia/Salmon River/Obstructing a Peace Officer
ANDERSON/Andrew/27/Sweden/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'
/Remanded to gaol until departure of ship
ANDERSON/August/26/Sweden/Ship/Having liquor in an Indian house/Judgement deferred
AVERS/Thomas/37/United States/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/$50, or 1 month
hard labour, & costs, or week additional
AWILGULTH/Annie/30/British Columbia/Quehquah/Having liquor in her possession
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
AWILGULTH/Annie/30/British Columbia/Quehquah/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
AYERS/Thomas/37/United States/no fixed abode/Having liquor in an Indian house
/Fined $50 or 1 months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
AYERS/Thomas/37/United States/no fixed abode/Giving liquor to Indians/Allowed to
go on his own recognizance
AYERS/Thomas/37/United States/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $100 or 3
month hard labour & costs, or 1 week additional
BARKLEY/James/28/England/Ship/Necessary witness/Discharged
BARTONA/Peter/29/Mexico/Ship/Refusing duty, ship Challenger/1 months' imprisonment,
hard labour & costs, $7
BENSON/August/22/Sweden/Ship/Drunk & disorderly/Dismissed
BISSETT/Peter/27/Ireland/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'
/Remanded to gaol until departure of ship
BRANDT/George/31/Germany/Nanaimo/Having liquor in an Indian house/Ordered to pay
costs, $4, or 4 days' imprisonment
BROUGHTON/Thomas/32/United States/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable/Ordered to pay costs
$3, or 3 days' imprisonment
BROUGHTON/Thomas/32/United States/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $100 or
2 weeks' imprisonment & costs, or 7 days add.
BROUGHTON/Thomas/32/United States/no fixed abode/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined
$50 or 1 months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
BROWN/Harry/25/Germany/Ship/Cutting & wounding/Discharged
BROWN/Thomas/12/United States/Wellington/Vagrancy/Sent to his parent in Wellington
BRUCE/--/37/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs
BRUCE/--/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
BRUCE/--/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
BRUCE/--/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, or 3
days' imprisonment
BURNS/James/44/Ireland/Ship/Deserting from ship 'J.A. Briggs'/1 months'
imprisonment, hard labour, & costs, $4
BUSH/Henry/55/United States/Chemainus/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
BUSH/William/32/Germany/Ship/Having liquor in an Indian house/Judgement deferred
CAMERON/James/35/Scotland/Chemainus/Drunk & disorderly/Bail $5, estreated
CAMERON/John/70/Scotland/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
CARTER/Emile/35/France/Departure Bay/Having liquor in an Indian house
/Judgement deferred
CARTER/Emile/35/France/Departure Bay/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
CECELIA/Mary/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
CLAGUTSEY/Jim/35/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer
CLAHALLAS/Linn/33/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Giving liquor to Indians
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
CLAISLAH/--/40/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs or 14 dis, $4
CLAISLAH/--/40/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
CLAKALLAS/Linn/33/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of
costs, $4
CLAKALLAS/Linnel/33/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Possession of intoxicant
/Fined $25 or 1 months' imprisonment, & costs, or 1 week add.
CLEALEAL/Sally/53/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of
costs, $4
CLEAZINA/Joseph/24/Austria/Wellington/Assault/Fined $10 & costs, or 21 days'
CLOCTZIA/Annie/30/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Ordered to pay costs, $4, or 7
days' imprisonment
CLUCKAGEKME/Monday/30/British Columbia/Salmon River/Obstructing a Peace Officer
CLUCKAGEKME/Monday/30/British Columbia/Salmon River/Assault/Fined $5 & costs,
or 14 days' imprisonment
CLUCKAGEKMEE/Monday/30/British Columbia/Salmon River/Larceny/Dismissed
COCK/Ah/40/China/Nanaimo/Accessory before the fact of robbery
/Committed for trial
COIR/Fernando/24/Austria/Wellington/Assault/Fined $10 & costs, or 21 days'
COLLEGAN/William/26/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Destroying property/Dismissed
COLLEGAN/William/26/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & disorderly/Fined $7.50 &
costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
CONWAY/Michael/45/Ireland/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
CROCKER/Samuel/42/United States/Chemainus/Contempt of County Court/14 days'
CROMAN/Patrick/30/Ireland/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Ordered to pay
costs $5, or 7 days' imprisonment
CURRAN/William Henry/41/United States/Thetis Island/Assault/Safe keeping
CUSHIN/Amos/46/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
CUSHIN/Amos/46/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liquor in his possession
/Fined $25 or 1 mo. & costs, or 1 week additional
CUSHIN/Amos/46/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk
/Dismissed on payments of costs, $4
CUSHIN/Daniel/16/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liquor in his possession
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
DAILY/William/30/United States/no fixed abode/Giving liquor to Indians
/Fined $50 or 1 months' imprisonment,and costs, or 7 days add.
DARRACH/Daniel/32/Ireland/Nanaimo/Having liquor in an Indian house/Dismissed on
payment of costs
DAVIES/William/35/Wales/Ship/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
DAVIS/Benjamin H./42/Wales/Nanaimo/Larceny/Committed for trial
DAVIS/Benjamin H./42/Wales/Nanaimo/Larceny/Committed for trial
DAVIS/John/30/Mauritius/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
DELEWICK/Charley/32/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Necessary witness/Discharged
DELEWICK/Charley/32/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or
14 days' imprisonment
DEWSBURY/John W./32/England/Ship/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days'
DEWSBURY/John W./32/England/Ship/Malicious damage to property/Fined $25 or
1 mo. & costs, or 7 days add.
DUCKER/Thomas/40/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
DUCKER/Thomas/40/England/Nanaimo/Drunk & disorderly/Dismissed on payment
of costs, $3
DUGGAN/Michael/30/United States/Ship/Drunk/Bail $5 Estreated
DUNN/Daniel/51/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/$50, or 1 mo. & costs,
or 1 week additional
DUNN/Daniel/51/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Dismissed on payment
of costs, $5
DUNNE/Daniel/51/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $100 or 2 months'
imprisonment, & costs, or 14 days add.
DURANT/James/38/United States/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
DUXBURY/Mary/50/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payments of
costs, $5
EASTHAM/Henry/18/England/Nanaimo/Assault/Fined $5 & costs, or 7 days'
EDMUNDS/Evan/26/Wales/no fixed abode/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1
months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
EDWARDS/James/19/England/Nanaimo/Vagrancy/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
EGIDIO/Fornosiro/30/Italy/Wellington/Cutting & wounding/Committed for trial
EQUALLOK/Jimmy/30/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $25 &
costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
EQUALLOK/Jimmy/30/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days add.
EQUALLOK/Jimmy/30/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
EQUALLOK/Jimmy/30/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
EUSTACE/Edward/50/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1 months'
imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
EVANS/John/31/Norway/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
FENWICK/George/34/England/Nanaimo/Assault/Fined $10 & costs or 21 days'
FINLAY/Annie/36/British Columbia/Mattlepie/Drunk & incapabley/Fined $5 & costs,
or 14 days' imprisonment
FORD/William/30/United States/Ship/Assault/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
FOSTER/Edward/21/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians
/Judgement deferred
FOSTER/William/30/British Columbia/Nass River/Vagrancy/Fined $2.50 & costs, or
14 days' imprisonment
FREW/James/22/British Columbia/Nanaimo District/Assault/Dismissed
GADD/Nicholas/32/Sweden/Comox/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
GADD/Nicholas/32/Sweden/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1 months'
imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
GARDELL/Antonio/23/Italy/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'/Remanded
to gaol until departure of ship
GEACCLACK/Johnny/24/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Assault/Ordered to pay costs, $4, or
7 days' imprisonment
GEACCLACK/Johnny/24/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Ordered to pay costs, $4, or
7 days' imprisonment
GEE/Ang/61/China/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
GEE/Won/32/China/Nanaimo/Unlawfully killing game/Dismissed; paid costs, $4
GETTY/John/31/Germany/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
GRADY/John/44/Ireland/Ship/Refusing duty, ship Challenger/1 months' imprisonment,
hard labour & costs, $7
GRAY/Thomas/30/England/no fixed address/Giving liquor to Indians/Dismissed on
own recognizances
HARDING/Robert/24/United States/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'
/Remanded to gaol until departure of ship
HARPER/James/33/England/Departure Bay/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50, or 1
month hard labour & costs, or 1 week additional
HART/Andrew/23/Scotland/Nanaimo/Robbery with violence/Committed for trial
HAWKS/Thomas/50/England/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Ordered to appear in 1
week; costs $3
HEONG/Gee/49/China/Departure Bay/Trading without a licence/Dismissed
HIAKEN/Harry/35/British Columbia/Li-ick-sun/Larceny/Dismissed
HIAKIS/George/20/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Necessary witness/Discharged
HODKIN/Jemony/31/British Columbia/Cowichan/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 24 days'
HODKIN/Jimmy/31/British Columbia/Cowichan/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
HODKIN/Jimmy/31/British Columbia/Cowichan/Drunk/Fined $10 & costs or 21 days'
HODKIN/Jimmy/31/British Columbia/Cowichan/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
HODKIN/Jimmy/31/British Columbia/Cowichan/Drunk/Fined $1.2 & costs, or 7 days'
HUGEN/Dick/46/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Dismissed on payment
of costs, $5
HUGEN/Dick/46/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable/Dismissed on payment
of costs, $4
HUGHES/Mary/40/British Columbia/Departure Bay/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 14 days'
HULASMAK/Susan/36/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk & incapable/Fined $5 & costs,
or 14 days' imprisonment
HUMSHIT/Adam/32/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
HUNASHIT/Adam/32/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
HUNG/Le/32/China/Nanaimo/Larceny/Dismissed on payment of costs, $6
HUPWAP/Mary/35/British Columbia/Penelequet/Drunk/Ordered to pay costs $5, or 7 days'
HURST/Henry/29/England/Nanaimo/Wilful damage to property/Damage $2
JACKIN/John/35/British Columbia/Cowichan/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
JANE/Mary/24/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
JEPPEN/J.P./24/Denmark/Ship/Conniving to supply liquor to Indians/Dismissed
JOHNS/William Henry/30/England/Nanaimo/Assault/Fined $25 & costs, or 1 months'
JOHNSON/Yuckea/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing peace officers/Fined $50
& 1 mo., in default 2 mo. additional
JOHNSTON/Abraham/34/Finland/Ship/Drunk & incapable/Bail $5, estreated
JOHNSTON/William/32/United States/Ship/Having liquor in an Indian house
/Judgement deferred
JONES/Thomas C./48/England/Nanaimo/Unsound mind/Discharged
JUNGE/William/26/Germany/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'
/Remanded to gaol until departure of ship
KALETZIA/Mary/45/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or
14 days' imprisonment
KAMYS/Mary/34/British Columbia/Comox/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
KANE/John/58/England/Nanaimo/Drunk/Bail, $5, estreated
KANETYIE/Jim/20/British Columbia/Kweahikah/Obstructing a Peace Officer/Dismissed
KEEESUCK/Susan/30/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Dismissed on
payment of costs, $4
KEKUTTLE/Mary/30/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk & disorderly/Dismissed on
payment of costs
KELLY/Thomas/34/England/Ship/Assault/Fined $10 & costs or 21 days' imprisonment
KIMKAKIS/Jim/30/British Columbia/Kweahikah/Obstructing a Peace Officer/Dismissed
KLAKQUSQUAKE/Kitty/20/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Vagrancy/Dismissed on payments
of costs, $3
KLEPHEM/--/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs or 14 dis, $4
KLEPHEM/--/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
KLEPHEM/--/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/$25, 1 month hard
labour & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
KLEPHEM/--/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Vagrancy/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
KLEPHEM/--/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5, & costs, or 14 days'
KLEPHON/--/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & disorderly/Fined $5 & costs or 14
days' imprisonment
KNOCKWATTA/Paddy/30/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Vagrancy/Dismissed on payment
of costs
KNOX/John/50/England/Wellington/Manslaughter/Committed for trial
KOELSIA/--/60/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed; costs $1.25
KORRALS/Benjamin/21/Germany/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Dismissed
KOWK/Lucy Gowk/20/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Necessary witness/Discharged
KROLL/David/35/Scotland/North-west Bay/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days'
KUKESOCK/Lacy/18/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Vagrancy/Dismissed on payments of
costs, $3
KULKIVON/Charley/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
KULKWON/Charley/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $25 or
1 months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
KULKWON/Charley/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days add.
KULKWON/Charley/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liquor in his house/$25, or 1
months' imprisonment, & costs, or week additional
KULKWOON/Charley/39/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liquor in his possession
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
KULKWOON/Charley/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
KUTHLUSS/John/29/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Possession or intoxicant/Fined $25 or
1 months' imprisonment, & costs $7
KUTHLUSS/Johnny/29/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Having liquor in possession/Fined $25
& costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
KUTKLUSS/Johnny/29/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Drunk/Dismissed; paid costs, $4
LAKINEETYEE/Tommy/24/British Columbia/Kivehekah/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
LAKINNIS/Tommy/26/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
LAKISMA/--/50/British Columbia/Salmon River/Obstructing a Peace Officer
/Committed for trial
LAKQUQUAH/Annie/22/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 7 days'
LANDALE/John L./46/Scotland/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
LANDALE/John L./46/Scotland/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
LANGSTON/Job/61/England/Nanaimo/Drunk & disorderly/Dismissed on payment of costs
LASKENUCK/--/40/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Ordered to pay costs $5, or 7 days'
LASTOSES/Annie/32/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
LAWRIE/George/29/Scotland/Ship/Unlawfully having a pistol on his person
/Dismissed with costs
LAWSON/Andrew/37/Norway/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/4 months' imprisonment,
with hard labour
LAWSON/Andrew/37/Norway/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Dismissed
LAWTON/Thomas/37/England/Wellington/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
LAY/Joseph/29/United States/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
LEAMTANANT/Mary/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Dismissed on
payments of costs, $5
LEE/Ah/40/China/Nanaimo/Unlawfully killing game/Dismissed; paid costs, $4
LEE/John/48/United States/Ship/Absent from ship without leave/Ordered kept till ship
ready for sea & pay costs
LELAMB/Joe/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
LELAMB/Joe/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
LELAMB/Joe/38/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
LELAMB/Joe/37/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
MACGUIRE/James/24/Canada/no fixed address/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
MACGUIRE/James/24/Canada/no fixed address/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
MACGUIRE/James/24/Canada/Ship/Drunk & disorderly/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days'
MACGUIRE/James/24/Canada/no fixed address/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1
months' imprisonment,and costs, or 1 week add.
MALM/John/29/Finland/Victoria/Disorderly on board steamer Boscowitz/Safe keeping
MARRIOTT/William Isaac/22/England/Nanaimo/Robbery with violence/Committed for trial
MARSHALL/George/25/British Columbia/Chemainus/Within a building, intent to commit
felony/Committed for trial
MARTAIN/William/21/Ireland/Ship/Refusing duty, ship, Challenger/1 months'
imprisonment, hard labour, or 7 days
MARTIN/Thomas/24/Wales/Wellington/Larceny of a hat/14 di & costs, $4, or 7 days add.
MATEN/Hans/28/British Columbia/Kittimat/Drunk & disorderly/Fined $5 & costs, or 14
days' imprisonment
MCDONALD/Neil/42/Scotland/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
MCEWAN/George/42/Scotland/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
MCEWAN/George/42/Scotland/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
MCGADDEN/James/60/Ireland/Salt Spring Island/Drunk & disorderly/Bail, $5, estreated
MCGEE/John/47/England/Ship/Assault/Fined $20 & costs or 1 months' imprisonment
MCGREGOR/John/24/Scotland/Nanaimo/Drunk & disorderly/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days'
MCGREGOR/John/24/Scotland/Nanaimo/Assault/Fined $10 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
MCTAGGART/William/50/Scotland/Nanaimo/Drunk/Bail, $5, estreated
MEABRAY/John/40/Ireland/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable/Dismissed
MEWALKEE/Harry/30/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer/Dismissed
MUCKWAA/Dick/35/British Columbia/Kivehekah/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
MUCKWAA/Dick/35/British Columbia/Quequah/Drunk & disorderly/Fined $5 & costs, or 14
days' imprisonment
NANAQUASS/Annie/23/British Columbia/Comox/Assault/Fined $10 & costs or 14 days'
NELSON/Edward/26/Norway/no fixed abode/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1
months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
NELSON/Edward/26/Norway/no fixed abode/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1
months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
NELSON/Edward/26/Norway/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1 mo. & costs,
or 14 days additional
NELSON/Edward/26/Norway/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Fined $50 or 1 mo. & costs,
or 14 days additional
NENEQUASS/Annie/23/British Columbia/Comox/Possession of intoxicant/Fined $25 & costs,
or 1 months' imprisonment
NIKNIKHIM/Jenny/40/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
NIKNIKHIM/Jenny/40/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
NIKNIKHIM/Jenny/40/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
NIMNASUCK/Annie/18/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 7 days'
NODELL/Charles/22/Norway/Ship/Having liquor in an Indian house/Judgement deferred
NUMSAMAKHOUT/John/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Necessary witness/Discharged
OMACKEACK/--/22/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
OMACKEAK/--/21/British Columbia/Salmon River/Liquor in his possession/Fined $25 &
costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
OMACKEAK/--/21/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
PEACE/John/50/Scotland/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
PETER/Mary/35/British Columbia/Cowichan/Drunk & incapable/Dismissed on payment
of costs
PHILOSOPHER/Manuel/35/Candia/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'/4 week
hard labour
POLKENUM/Peter/37/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
PORTLESS/--/44/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk & incapable/Fined $5 & costs,
or 14 days' imprisonment
PORTLESS/--/44/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
PORTLESS/--/44/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
PORTLESS/--/44/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk/Fined $10 & costs, or 21 days'
POWER/Thomas/24/Ireland/Ship/Refusing duty, ship Challenger/1 months' imprisonment,
hard labour & costs, $7
QUACKQUELEUP/Annie/40/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Ordered to pay costs $5, or
7 days' imprisonment
QUAKAPASS/Mark/15/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Necessary witness/Discharged
QUANQUANTON/Tom/30/British Columbia/Kuper Island/Giving liquor to Indians/$25, or 1
months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week additional
QUANQUANTON/Tom/30/British Columbia/Penelequet/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
QUANQUANTON/Tom/30/British Columbia/Thetis Island/Having liquor in his possession
/Fined $25 1 months' imprisonment,and costs, or 1 week add.
QUANQUANTON/Tom/30/British Columbia/Thetis Island/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of
costs, $3
QUANQUANTON/Tom/30/British Columbia/Thetis Island/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
QUANQUANTON/Tom/30/British Columbia/Kuper Island/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
QUIES/Frank/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liquor in his possession/Fined $25 or
1 months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
QUIES/Frank/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Assault/Dismissed; costs $5 or 7 days'
QUILQUALMUTH/Jim/37/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liqour in his possession
/Fined $25 & costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
QUILQUALMUTH/Jim/37/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
QUINGUALLES/Tom/37/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer
/Committed for trial
QUINTE/Joseph/23/Chili/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'/Remanded to
gaol until departure of ship
QUOGQUATTA/Charley/37/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer
/Committed for trial
QUTSTANIA/Annie/40/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $4 & costs, or 14 days'
RANDALL/Benjamin Cutler/28/United States/Nanaimo/Robbery with violence
/Committed for trial
ROBERTS/William/26/Sweden/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'
/Remanded to gaol until departure of ship
ROBERTSON/James/32/United States/Ship/Refusing duty, ship 'Bohemian'
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
ROBINSON/Joseph/27/England/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'
/Remanded to gaol until departure of ship
ROWAN/John/38/Scotland/no fixed abode/Drunk & incapable
/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
ROWE/George/35/England/Ship/Unlawfully having a pistol on his person
/Dismissed with costs
SALAS/Johnny/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians
/Fined $25 & costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
SALAS/Johnny/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SALAS/Johnny/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liquor in his possession
/Fined $25 & costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
SALOMEA/Mary/40/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SALOS/Johnny/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & disorderly
/Fined $10 & costs, or 4 weeks' imprisonment
SALOS/Johnny/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days add.
SALOS/Johnny/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Possession of intoxicant
/Fined $30 & costs, or 6 weeks' imprisonment
SAMESET/Billy/36/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SANCHEY/Gustave/37/Spain/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable/Sentence deferred to 24th inst.
SANDERS/G.E./34/United States/Victoria/Drunk/Bail $5, estreated
SANNIA/--/22/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
SAPPLEHOLLAH/Frank/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer
/Committed for trial
SCHOEDER/Samuel/29/Germany/no fixed address/Giving liquor to Indians/Dismissed
SEALTANA/Mary/30/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Larceny/Dismissed
SEALTANA/Mary/30/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SEALTANA/Mary/29/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SEAWEED/Mary/36/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk & incapable
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SEAWEED/Mary/36/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3.25
SECALECLUT/Charley/30/British Columbia/Thetis Island/Drunk & incapable
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
SECOGHOLLES/Billy/24/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs
SEELEETH/Louisa/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk
/Ordered to pay costs $4, or 7 days' imprisonment
SEELEETH/Louisa/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Possession of intoxicant
/Fined $25 & costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
SEELETH/Louisa/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SELSAMIA/--/25/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed; costs $1
SELSAMIA/--/25/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Possession of intoxicant
/Fined $25 & costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
SELSAMIA/--/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SELSAMIA/--/25/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable
/Fined $1.2 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
SELSAMIA/Mary Ann/25/British Columbia/Heltelt/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
SEMALEWITH/Jenny/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
SESARKOSS/Bob/23/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Police Officer
/Dismissed with caution & costs $11
SESEHOLLES/Mary/25/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
SESILATCHA/Charley/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
SESILATCHA/Charley/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
SESILATCHA/Charley/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SILCOX/Samuel/42/Wales/Nanaimo/Drunk & incapable/Bailed on his own recognizance
SILLALUM/Charley/37/British Columbia/Saanich/Giving liquor to Indians
/$25, or 1 mo. & costs, or 1 week additional
SILLALUM/Charley/37/British Columbia/Saanich/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SILLALUM/Charley/37/British Columbia/Saanich/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SILLALUM/Charley/37/British Columbia/Saanich/Having liquor in his possession
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
SILLATUM/Charley/37/British Columbia/Saanich/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SILLYCUTTON/Meshell/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk & disorderly
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SING/Chee/25/China/Departure Bay/Trading without a licence/Dismissed
SINGUILMUTH/Samson/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk
/Fined $5, & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SINQUILMUTH/Samson/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SINQUILMUTH/Samson/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, 14 days' imprisonment
SINQUILMUTH/Samson/30/British Columbia/Chemainus/Having liquor in his possession
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
SKAKASSET/--/40/British Columbia/Quamichan/Suspicion of murder/Discharged
SKINAHAN/Mary/33/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed with a caution
SKINAHAN/Mary/33/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $4
SKINIWITH/Joe/20/British Columbia/Chemainus/Having liquor in his possession
/Fined $25 or 1 months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
SMITH/James/38/United States/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
SOLHEASET/George/35/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
SOOSOOSSOCKME/Jack/15/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Necessary witness/Discharged
SPELLUM/Thommy/40/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days add.
SPELLUM/Tommy/40/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
SPELLUM/Tommy/40/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days'
STEBBINS/George/19/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians
/Fined $100 or 2 mo. & costs, or 1 week additional
STEBBINS/George/19/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians
/$50, or 1 mo. & costs, or 1 week additional
STEEN/John/18/Germany/Ship/Drunk & incapable/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
STEWART/John G./42/Scotland/Wellington/Burglary/Dismissed
STOVE/William/21/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Assault
/Ordered to pay costs $8, or 14 days' imprisonment
SUCHITHE/Jim/31/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SUCHITHE/Jim/32/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer/Dismissed
SUGAMAT/Johnny/30/British Columbia/Fort Simpson/Giving liquor to Indians
/Judgement deferred
SUGAMAT/Johnny/30/British Columbia/Fort Simpson/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SULLIVAN/Patrick/21/Ireland/Ship/Carrying concealed weapons
/Fined $10 & costs, or 21 days' imprisonment
SULLIVAN/Patrick/21/Ireland/Ship/Drunk & incapable
/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 1 weeks' imprisonment
SUPCHAPLET/Mary/24/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days add.
SUTSOLLA/Mary Ann/20/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
SWAN, alias SNOW/William/20/British Columbia/Victoria/Obtaining goods under
false pretences/Arrested on warrant from Victoria
SWANSON/Alexander/30/Norway/Ship/Drunk/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
SWANSON/John/25/Sweden/Ship/Refusing duty on ship 'Alice D. Cooper'
/Remanded to gaol until departure of ship
SWASHATSTON/Thomas/27/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Giving liquor to Indians
/Fined $25 or 1 months' imprisonment,& costs, or 1 week add.
SWULSALEM/--/45/British Columbia/Klemklemlet/Misprison of felony
/Held on bail to answer at Assizes
TADYWANTON/Dick/30/British Columbia/Valdez Island/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
TAM/Ah/38/China/Departure Bay/Trading without a licence/Dismissed
TAM/Ah, no.2/38/China/Departure Bay/Trading without a licence/Dismissed
TENNANT/Mary/24/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs
TILSAS/Jack/39/British Columbia/Fort Rupert/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
TURNBULL/Thomas/42/Scotland/Ship/Giving liquor to Indians/Judgement deferred
WAH/Ah/25/China/Nanaimo/Having liquor on Indian Reserve
/Fined $50 or 1 months' imprisonment & costs, or 1 week add.
WAKEIKASMA/Mary/45/British Columbia/Comox/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $5
WALKER/William Paget/43/England/Ship/Deserting from ship 'J.A. Briggs'
/1 months' imprisonment, hard labour, & costs, $4
WALKUS/Charley/30/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer
/Committed for trial
WAMESS/--/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Necessary witness/Discharged
WAMESS/--/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3.50
WANESEA/Peter/25/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
WASHSEA/Mary/40/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Having liquor in her possession
/Fined $25 & costs, or 1 months' imprisonment
WASHSEA/Mary/40/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
WATERS/Hugh/60/Ireland/Nanaimo/Drunk & disorderly/Bail $5 estreated
WATSON/Benjamin/24/United States/Ship/Assault
/Fined $10 or 14 di & costs, or 7 days add.
WATSON/Benjamin/24/United States/Ship/Assault
/Fined $10 or 14 di & costs, or 7 days add.
WELLINGTON/Margaret/33/United States/Departure Bay/Drunk
/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
WILSON/Charles/22/Denmark/Ship/Drunk & incapable/Bail $5 estreated
WILSON/John/46/Scotland/no fixed abode/Drunk & incapable
/Fined $1.25 & costs, or 7 days' imprisonment
WILSON/John Andrew/31/United States/Chemainus/Manslaughter/Committed for trial
YALE/Mary/25/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Dismissed on payment of costs, $3
YALE/Mary/25/British Columbia/Nanaimo/Drunk/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days add.
YUTKATNELLA/Tom/25/British Columbia/Salmon River/Drunk & disorderly
/Fined $5 & costs, or 21 days' imprisonment
ZACKALT/--/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Assault/Ordered to pay costs, $5
ZACKALT/--/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Assault
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
ZACKALT/--/25/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Drunk & disorderly
/Fined $5 & costs, or 14 days' imprisonment
ZICCHEUS/--/30/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Obstructing a Peace Officer
/Committed for trial
ZOOZOOITS/Charley/32/British Columbia/Cape Mudge/Escape (prison breach)
/Committed for trial
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