extracted by Hugh Armstrong
General Post Office,
ON THE lst of JUNE, 1863
Arter, John Bruce, John
Arthur, Saml, James Bourbeau, Alexander
Ardagh, Richard Billings, Thos S
Abbott, James G Black, Alfred
Andrew, John M Bowen, Stewart B
Archibald, Louis Bremner, Joseph
Armstrong, Charles Bromfield, Alfred
Anderson, Arthur Bulling, Jonathan,
Alexander, Mrs. Anne Barry, Hambleton
Ash, Richard Bailey, Madison F
Austin, Edward H Brackbill, Jacob
Alexander, Henry 2. Baruhart, J
Aikens, John Boughner, Walter
Archibald, Mr Buffington, John C
Anstey, F G Brown, H M
Alexander, James Bobb, Israel M
Bascomb, Robert
Buckland, Roland Bayfield, Chas
Bedle, Henry 2. Bailly, Lisa
Brown, Jos and Jas 2. Buchanan, Jas
Beffa, Vincenzo Brown, John
Bouhand, Monsieur Bissell, Nelson
Battistini, D Bryant, Wm C
Borting, Karl Boyd, Hugh
Bailler, E P Boyd, James
Bruce, Thomas J Byrne, Michl W
Brew, Captn C A Bucannon, James
Bacon, Hiram Black, Niel
Byrnes, L F Bryden, James
Badfish, Albert G Bowen, John & R S
Bratton, John B Bainbridge, Charles 3.
Bull, John Burges, T
Black, G W Bogart, J M 2.
Benson, Joseph Brook, Henry
Boyle, C A Booth, Robert
Binkley, Frankliu Beaton, Beath
Bray, Marshall B 2. Emery, Peter
Brown, Edward Eyclesheimer, Stephen C
Bray, Marshall Evans, Ezra
Butt, J, 2. Emery, Thos
Brouse, Cyrus A Egan, James
Brown, P 0 2. Elrick, Washington J
Blair, George Emerson, S Austin
Brigs, Samuel Edmond, David
Brouse, Edwin J Dr Edmonds, P John
Byrne, W Michael Emslie, James
Bowen, John
Burns, John Fortesclie, G E
Brown, Wm Fallen, Thomas,
Beckett, R A Foshay, David 0
Brewster, S Sewall Farley, Turner 3.
Bissell, Nelson Fletcher, Chas
Bassett, Aunie Mrs Fulton, Jos B
Cormack, John 2. Farrar, M C 2
Curry, E L Fernie, Wm 4
Fuhrer, Frank
Cushing, George Flynn, R T
Canniff Henry
Crawford, Alexander Fenton, R 2.
Coney, Albert Fletcher, D C 2,
Chivers, Joseph Florance John A
Caswell, A F Fraser, A D
Colter, John � Fontana, R
Clements, John Foster, Thos
Carpenter, L F 3. Filere, Mr
Cameron, R Fairchild, Jesse
Carr, Michael Fluker, John
Curry, E L Forrest, Wm
Couves, A and C Forrester, Thos H
Cushing, M M Foulds, Geo
Carnochan, Andrew R Fitzgerald, W T
Crowley, Patrick Fannin, john
Charlson, James Fairburn, John
Coyle, Mrs. Flook, William 2
Cooke, Geo G P Fisher, Alfred
Cramer, Hugh Fearon, Lucus
Casaady, Peter Fowler, J 2.
Christie, Alexr 3 Fitzgerald, H W
Clements, Jas Fluker, John
Conolly, Michl Fraser, John
Curry, E L
Costelo, Jas Garden, Geo,
Cryster, Leonard Gerard, Jos
Colton, D J Gardner, J R
Caton, Wm K Giltner, F
Cameron,Alexr 2. Gordon, John
Chambers, Jas Graham Malcolm
Coulter, Thos Gray, Alex
Chambers, Coote M Guegon, P
Cameday, D Gale, Amanda
Cardozo, M V 2. Gray, Henry D
Cochran, John Graville, David,
Copland, W 0 Gould, Preley
Campbell, N S 2. Giltner, F
Conley, Riley Gibson, Peter 2.
Cradock, Emerson Galacar, Philipe
Charlton, Edwd Good, 0 C
Crouch, Cyrus Gordon, Alex
Coulter, Thee Gray, Thos E, 2
Carlisle, D Goss, Richd
Campbell, Geo Gibbs, M
Chipman, Mary J Gibson, John
Clements, John 2 Gladwin, Wm
Chriatian, Henry Girandon, Edouard
Clohesy, Nicholas Griffin, J H
Clark, Wm Gordon, John
Chorley, Robt Green, Sebright S
Crawford, James Goodson, G J
Cave, Cave B Godfrey, John
Craig, Alexr 4 Guilfoyle, Patrick
Cornelius, John Greenslade, B A
Campbell, Daniel Gladwin, William
Coad, Richard Goodell, B Win
Collinson, William 3.
Coulter, Samuel 2. Harvey Cr,
Campbell, W N Hutchison, A F 2.
Chure, M J Hartman John,
Cammell, Joseph E Hamilton, Gavin 2
Cunningham, William Harrison, Aubrey, J
Campbell, S Nicholas Hall, A S 2.
Collins, Robert 2. Hutton, John B
Caldwell, William Houghy, John
Carruthiers, L Joseph Hancock, Daniel B
Chapman, A Thomas 2 Hay, Wm
Court, Capt Haseler, H K
Campbell, J J Hennis B L
Collins, John Hay, Alexr
Catman, George Hunter, John
Culver, A Jabez Hawthorne, Mrs.
Choigner, Julien Hanter, Capta John
Catchpole, Wm Heyward, Thos
Chittenden, S Hilliard, W H
Coffaie, George Hawke, Gabriel,
Cole, George Higgins, Mr
Dirlam, James Hall, J W 2.
Devoe, Geo Hallock, W C
Duncan, Geo Hill, H M
Dillon, Jas Hoffluan, Il
Ditz, Andw Haly, Patk
Decker, Mr Haley, Dan M
Downey, Wm Holmes, Saml R
Dawson, John Hackley, Simeon
Davies, David Hodsdon,Fred
Dempsey, John Hooker, Josiah
Dalgetty, James Haviland, John
Donohoe, Patrick Hunningan, ThoB
Dalziel, Robert 2. H.P.C.
Dickson, Charles Hunter, Anthony
Holland, Wm
Dawson, Henry 2. Holm, Chas
Draffin, Samuel 2. Hicks, Richard 2.
Dairis, Isaac Hoggins, Wm
Davies, David Holland, D G T
Dalgety, James Hanly, A Samuel
Eaxil, Paul Hill, Samuel
Eberwein, Herman Hodgson, Jacob 2.
Holland, William Mulkey, Geo C
Marston John
Hicks, Timothey Moore, John 2.
Howard, Daniel McSohen, H P
Holm, Charles Monteiro, Joseph
McLean, Wm
Hodgson, Robert McQueen, J B
Howell, F J McFarlane, Alexr
Holmes, Joseph Martin, Wm
Haynes, W George 2. McCaskill, Wm
Michel Robert,
Hilmer, D Clarence McFeely, Barnard
Howard, George Moleno, Hilaire
Morris, H
Harbottle, Thomas Morgan, D P
Hunter, Antliony McDonald, Ronald
McMillan, John
McCrim, Walter
Irvine, Joseph McConnell, Archy
McGragh, Barnard
Jones, John J 2 MoGregor, R P 2.
McCausland 0 J
Jones, Jame 2 Mann, A J
Johnston, Jas McCurdy, Dr Saml
Jackson, J. E Miller James H
Mallony, Jas
Jepson, Charles 3. McWilliams, Alexr
Johnson, J S McKenzie, Wm
James, William Minson, Henry
Johnston, Thomas
Johnston, Henry Nicholson, Malcolm
Jones, H R Nahna, B James
Jamieson, William New, F A
Johnson, Angne N�ckolls, Sml 2.
Jackson, Duncan Nolan, Mary 3.
Johnson, John Newsom, D J
Newsom, Thos
Jackson, M L Ninno, John
May Dr Newbery, Fred
Julian, H B Niel, Thos
Keeler, John Nollmans, Henry
Keddy, John 2. Orn, H Ebenezer 3.
Kelley, A George Orde, Henry Robert 2.
Kingston, Thomas
Kyes, Saml Oates, Joseph
Kaye, Predk 0 Connell, Daniel
Kelley, F W O'Brien, Michael
Kennedy, Jas M Oliver, Andrew
Kitchen, Isaac 2. O'Maley, Patrick
Kennedy, R J O'Hara, Chas
Kinnear, David O'Connell, Richd
Kellcullin, Martin
Kerr, Jas
Kirby, Saml W Parr, John
Kemptle, John Phelan, P
Pollock, John 3.
Lindsay, Samuel 2. Pierce, George 2.
Lippincot, W Putnam, D J 2.
Landon, P John Patterson, Robert
Leaver, Thomas Pyhirs, Thomas
Lazarus, Edward Prater, L Charles Capt
Lane, B Hiram Perkins, Hiram
Luse, Stephen Parker, Anthony
Leary, John Pielte, Prosper J
Lyons, John G Pearce, Saml
Lowry, Alexander N Prouty, N H
Lewis, Wm Perham, A S 2.
Launty, Jacob Pattullo, Thos R
Lamond, Charles Pearce, Henry
Lyine, Henry Parsons, Chas M
Lubben, John Philipe, R
Larcomb, Joseph Perry, Emerson W
Lausing, Henry Purdy, David J
Lepine, XI Pattison, Eustace
Lindsay, Arch 2 Perry, J L
Lawler, Charles Parker, Saml
Love, Thomas Pellant, Hyacinthe
Livingstone, Dugald Penwarden, Frank
Lennen, Edwd. Paove, Thom
Lefrancois, Onenfin Presse, W G
Lewin, Mrs Mary Prager, M
Leaver, Thos Prater, Chas L
Lippincot, W Pittnam, T D 2.
Laughton, Geo Pollock, John
McNeil, John Robertson, Win
Main, B George 3. Revely, Pred
McDonald, GUI William Reid, Wm
McVicar, John Rees, M James
Miller, Hugli 2. Roe, Thos 2.
Mally, Martin 2. Rodgers, Wm
Ramirez, Luis
McInnis, A Raferty, Edwd
McKenzie, William Rusk, Robt
McGregor, 8 Donald 2. Richee, Geo
Richardson, Thos
Millard, T Charles 2. Richardson, Geo
McMarin, Robert Roberts, Wm H
McGregor, George Rising, D B
Ring, Michael
Morse, H Charles Richards, Lewis L
Magee, Hugli Robertson, John V
McDougall Allen 2. Robertson, Mr.
Robinson, Geo H
Maude, H Henry Roberts, John
Medors, Alfred Rochon, G
McPherson, Kenneth Roff, David
Russell, Edwd
Mays, C William Rose, Hugh
McIntire, Peter Roabnian, Willis
McGillivray, Arcliey Ruffley, J E
Read, Augustus
McMoran, Robert Robb, R H
Martin, Thomas Rhodes, Geo
Masier, H Reynolds, Geo 3
Marinck, John Stevenson, John 2
Miller, Edward
McEwan Walter Stubbs, Samuel 2
Madden, John Smith, E
Millard, W S Stoner, William
McClue, Edward M Simonton, B W Dr.
Martin, Joseph
Miller, Dr Spence, Thos
McFee, Chas Smith, Joseph
McAfee, Allen Smith, J B
Murphy, Pat
Moore, Chas Sinclair, D C
Mann, R R Symmes Edmund
McGrady, E R Sampson, B B
McCarthy, H D
McMillan, W F Smithwite, John
McCarty, Wm Soulie, Leonie 2
Martin, Walter S Sill, Joseph
McLean, Wm Saywer, Jonnathan G
McCraigh, Stone, Nathan
Mohr, John Stinson, Roger
McDonald, Chas Shampson. Wm 2
McDonald, Alexr 2. Schwarz Emos
Manson, John D 2. Smith, W K
Matheson, Hugh Stromberg, Geo
Muir, David Sylve, Jean
Moore, John Stobo, Alexr
Mathis, D Simpson, Robert B 2.
McCaid, S Shaw, John
McGown, W Simmons, Win
Milligan, David Shively, John
McDowell, John Scott, D
Meager, Jas Sevett, P W
Marks, W Segur, Geo
Malohi, W W Shannon, Jeremiah
MacKenzie, Alexr G Stevens, Jas
Mildenishein, Otto Segur, Blizth
Malley, Jas Sanders, Mr
Sherman, Wm 3 Volkmann, Felix
Sterns, A J Vries, Henry De
Sokolowski, David
Smith, E Waddell, John
Stansburry, Chas
Spilman, Abrm Wilsone, John 2
Swan, John A Wright, H Jessie
Strannelli, Pietro Winter, Riland
Shelder, Saml
Stevenson, John 2. Williams, Thos
Stoner, Wm Warren, Robert 2
Sinclair, C D Williams, David
Wood, H R
Tremlett, Richard Watson, Hugh
Triganonan, John 2 Walter, John
Toy, Peter Wait, John
Turner, J J Wilcox, Jas
Tait, Thos Worth Henry
Tanner, Geo Wright, W P
Tysan, Jas Woods, Geo
Taylor, D Williams, Thos
Tait, John R Watt, John
Thompson, Jas Williams, 0 W
Thorne, Danl C 2. Wonnell, Mrs.
Titter, S T Whitford, Amos T
Thompson, Mr Walsh, J
Terrill, N G Walker, M
Trevorwud, Thoe Walker, Robt W
Thompson, Jas J Williams, David
Thomis, R F Weir, John 2.
Turner, J J 2 Williams, Peter
Turnbull, Adam Wilcox, Jas
Whyte, Joseph
Urquhart, Walter 2 Whitner, H W
Udy, Win Williams, George D
Woodward, Fletcher.
Vicat, N R Williams, Thos H
Volmar, Wm Waynick, W W 2.
Visoick, Wm Williams, John
Walton, Wm.
Van, Dine H L Walker, Robt W
Vantrin, Xavier
Vansicklen, Thomas
Vass, Geo Zane, Hiram B
Vyarbolling, G Zing, Alexander
3lst May, 1863.
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